For your final assignment I want you to create a series of 5-7 photos that are related in a narrative or non-narrative way. This assignment requires coming up with an idea and following through with images. Here you will have to "make" photos instead of just taking them. Keep your idea simple and "do-able". Look around you for interesting objects and make stories revolving around them. Keep the story simple and think out how you can represent it visually.
A narrative story has a beginning, middle, and end. So if you were to take 5 shots of some kind of event that the sequence needed to be in a specific order, 1-5 to get the story across, that would be a narrative series. One example would be if you photographed someone who went to the market to get groceries and then came home, put some of the groceries away and then cooked dinner for a friend- that would be a narrative series. The couple having trouble opening their umbrella by Elliot Erwin has potential as a narrative story. Also think about Duane Michael's photo fictions like, "Death comes to the lady" or his miniature bathroom series.
A non-narrative series would be images that do not exist on a time line. Usually you could rearrange the order of these images and the meaning would not be affected. For example, 5 photographs of surfers on the beach each with a different type of surfboard. The order of these images could be rearranged and still have the same meaning. Consistent color, texture, subject matter, camera angles, and/or quality of light all help the viewer understand that images are related as a series.
Come up with something that interests you and also is easy to accomplish. I am more interested in seeing expressive camera angles, and the use of depth of field and shutter blurs to make simple ideas come to life! You will present your work to the class.

Some ideas on storytelling:
Duane Michals:
How to Tell a visual story:
How to Tell a visual story:
How to make a Storyboard (many of these are directed towards film, so just think in terms of stills);
Le Jetee- Film created with all still images (The grand-daddy of the Matrix) Look at the simple props, charaacters, light and locations that create the story.
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